Gustav Jahn

Gustav Jahn

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Kuhlmann Watch

Courtesy of Dr. Burkhard Rahn of Reutlingen, Germany, are the photos below. This is the watch that belonged to Dr. Ulrich Kuhlmann who was Burkhard's godfather. As a special gift, he gave it to Burkhard who, of course, has it to this day.

Dr. Ulrich Kuhlmann was born in 1884 at Rengersdorf on the Queiss, Silesia and died 1975 in Porto Alegre, Brazil. He was the son of Konrad's older sister Anna and cousin to Konrad's daughter Dorothea with whom there was extensive correspondence, as well as cousin to Konrad's sons Jack, Paul, Richard and Erich. Dr. Burkhard Rahn is the grandson of Konrad's younger sister Dorothea Jahn who married Pastor Johannes Wilhelm Eduard Rahn.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Konrad's Ring

Courtesy of Aunt Dorothy VF Werner, here's a photo of Konrad's ring with the 'K' on the inside. I've never seen this before; it's beautiful!